Monday, July 7, 2014

Long Run to Philly - 5 Miles

I've been reading a lot about Lewis and Clark lately. Like them, I'm on my own trail of discovery. Unlike them, my goal is not to find a water route to the Pacific. My goal is to finish my ninth marathon. My first one in ten years. Career and family changes have had a way of interrupting training during that span. Now, I'm 50+ and menopausal, so it should be an interesting journey. I'm using the USA Fit Training Schedule. I used it to train for my first marathon and for my previous marathons. I've completed plenty of half marathons during that span. I usually get to 15 miles and then something unexpected, good or bad, happens. We'll see this time. I've chosen the Philadelphia Marathon on November 23, 2014, as my goal because that's an off-week for my beloved Texas Longhorns, no home or away games. I'm sure on another level it represents freedom.

Yesterday's long run goal was five miles. A nice and easy run though at 72 degrees and 97% humidity, I felt as if I had a blanket over my back. I froze my water bottle like I read on a recent Runner's World post. It worked, keeping my water nice and cold for the duration of the run; although there was that annoying sound of an ice block swirling around in my container towards the finish. I'm sure by the end of the summer here in Central Texas that won't be a problem.

Five weeks down. Twenty to go.

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