Thursday, October 30, 2014

Run for the Water Ten Miler - October 26, 2014

I try to participate in races that either have an interesting course or support a compelling story. When they do both, signing up is a no-brainer. The Run for the Water (RTW) 10-miler on Sunday, October 26, 2014 was one of those races.

RTW is the second largest fully charity-produced road race in ATX. Registration benefited the Gazelle Foundation, a local non-profit that funds and builds clean water projects in Burundi, Africa. The foundation was inspired by Gilbert Tuhabonye, a Burundi survivor of the Hutu/Tutsi civil upheaval of the 1980’s and 90’s. Gilbert always greets the runners as they finish. His smile alone is worth the effort; however, the tech shirt and #Finish 3st socks were an added bonus.

The race start was a clear, calm 62 degrees with 85% humidity. I used this run to gauge my fitness for the Philadelphia Marathon next month. It’s a challenging course cresting at six miles before a gentle downhill finish. The reward for reaching that highest point is a panoramic view of the Colorado River bending around the hills of Austin. It’s difficult not to stop and snap a picture. This year, I didn’t. I was having too good of a run. I tried to thank every police officer I passed and express gratitude at each water stop; the race, after all, was all about water.

I finished in respectable shape and within my time goal. My quads were a little tight the next day, but it was from a good and true effort. RTW was one of those races that make me feel like a better runner – inside and out.